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铝企 » 宁波市鄞州古林鸿升塑料五金厂
我公司是一家专业生产浴室滑轮及淋浴房配件的厂家,座落于浙江省宁波市古林薛家工业园区内,交通便利,设备先进,技术力量雄厚,经过多年的发展,产品推陈出新,其主打产品浴室滑轮品种多,规格全,具有美观.质轻.耐磨.静音.机械性能等特点,深受各卫浴厂家喜爱,"管理出效益,品质求发展"是我们的经营理念,"让客户满意"是我们的奋斗目标,鸿升人坚信"没有最好,只有更好",我们愿以更好的产品,更优惠的价格,更周到的服务,广交天下客商,与您携手共进,同创财富,共赢未来,为推动淋浴房事业的发展而不懈努力。Our company is a professional manufacturer of bathroom and shower room accessories pulley manufacturers, located in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province Sit Gulin Industrial Zone, the transportation is convenient, advanced equipment, strong technical force, after years of development, product innovation, its main product bathroom pulley varieties, specifications of the whole, with appearance. Light. Wear-resistant. Mute. Features such as mechanical properties, by manufacturers like the bathroom, "the effectiveness of management, quality and development" is our business philosophy, "customer satisfaction" is our goal鸿升people firmly believe that "there is no best, only better good ", we would like to better products, better prices, more attentive service, make the world business, with you hand in hand, create wealth, win-win future, to promote the development of a shower room and make unremitting efforts t
- 宁波市鄞州古林鸿升塑料五金厂
- 会员 [加为商友] [发送信件]
- 电话0574 8805853
- 传真0574 88151337
- 所在地浙江 宁波市
- 地址浙江省宁波市鄞州
- 主营行业卫浴用五金件 淋浴房 淋浴器 浴缸及配件 其他门窗五金
- 公司类型加工企业
- 经营模式制造商
- 公司规模1-49人
- 注册年份2005
- 销售产品塑料滑钩;淋浴房配件;淋浴房滑轮;转角;插块6m8m;底脚;定位器;拉手;